R&B impresario Ne-Yo and "X Factor U.K." breakout star Cher Lloyd recently paired up for the duet "It's All Good," a song written in celebration of the launch of new Fruttare Fruit Bars with lyrical input posted on social media by fans. The duo performed the tune for the first and only time at the Village at this year's iHeartRadio Music Festival in Vegas, and afterwards they sat down with Yahoo Music's Reality Rocks for a chat that was full of good stuff.
Speaking about her forthcoming darker, more personal album, which will veer away from "bubblegum pop," Cher talked about growing up in the spotlight, saying: "I feel like when back when I was in the U.K., I wasn't a very nice person. I was almost fighting a battle that wasn't actually there. I was very angry and aggressive. I was 16 years old, and I didn't understand why I couldn't do certain things anymore and I couldn't be the way that I wanted to be because there's men in suits creating my life. I found it crazy. But now I feel like I've been educated on what it's meant to be like. And I'm a lot happier now and that's probably why I'm having a great time in the U.S. I'm actually going to go back to the U.K. next month and introduce myself as the person I am now: The new Cher, the less angry and violent Cher."
Speaking about gossip that he'd been in the running to be a judge on the American version of "The X Factor,"Ne-Yo stated: "It was honestly just a rumor. There were slight talks here and there, but nothing that was ever really set in stone. You know how people catch a piece of something and they just kind of run with it? That's kind of what happened. I didn't really want to talk about it at the time because I don't like to count chickens before they hatch, so nothing really came of it. It was literally just something that people were saying. It's not to say that I never would consider it; I'd love to do it. But that wasn't the time."
And both singers had lots to say about another performer at the Village that day, the always-under-fire Miley Cyrus. "She's so fearless, and that's exactly what I respect. Although people say what they want to say about her, you can't deny the fact that she's entertaining. She's very entertaining, and she's living. Is she 20? Hey, she's doing good!" said Cher.
"I applaud the fact that she's doing what she wants to do…She's in a place where it's like, 'This is me, love it or leave it alone.' I say more power to you. That's what every artist wants to get to, that place where they can just be who they are and if you accept it, you accept it, if you don't, you don't. I applaud her for it," said Ne-Yo. "Miley, let your haters be your motivators, and continue twerking and doing what it is that you do. We salute you!"
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