Jun 21, 2016

Selena Gomez “Carpool Karaoke” Video With James Corden – WATCH

Selena Gomez was the guest passenger for Monday’s “Carpool Karaoke” with James Corden on the “Late Late Show.” Watch the video below!
It was announced in April that Gomez would be appearing on the popular talk show segment, which has host Corden driving around with music superstars while singing some of their biggest hits. At the time, Corden shared the photo seen at right on Instagram. He enthusiastically wrote in the caption, “Getting a lift to work with this little chaffinch today! This is my 1st Instagram post!!!!”
Now two months later, the sketch finally aired. Like all “Carpool Karaoke” bits, this version began with Corden desperately needing a driving companion. And this time, it was Gomez who answered his call. During the drive, Corden and Gomez sang a number of her hits, beginning with “Same Old Love.”
They took a detour, however, and could be next seen on a rollercoaster singing “Come & Get It.” Next, they were back in the car belting out her hit “Hands To Myself.” Corden then asked Gomez about how she drinks a ginger shot every day, and so the two of them drank some out of little bottles, but the talk show host thought it tasted “disgusting.”
After that, they sang her song, “Kill Em With Kindness,” before pulling into a McDonald’s, where some of the drinks have Gomez’s lyrics on them. They each got cups that read, “Love You Like A Love Song.” Naturally, they then both sang the song. Corden then asked Gomez about Taylor Swift’s “squad,” and why there aren’t any guys in it. Gomez said reverse sexism like is sometimes fine, and told Corden, “Find me a boyfriend.” Following that, they sang “Shake It Off.”
Past participants on previous “Carpool Karaoke” installments have included Justin Bieber, Adele, Elton John, Iggy Azalea, Mariah Carey, One Direction, Demi Lovato with Nick Jonas, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Gwen Stefani, who was accompanied by George Clooney and Julia Roberts. Additionally, an hour-long primetime special featuring Jennifer Lopez aired in March.
Check out the full video of Gomez’s “Carpool Karaoke” below!