Oct 22, 2011

Rihanna And Chris Brown Nominated In Same Soul Train Award Category! | PerezHilton.com

Rihanna And Chris Brown Nominated In Same Soul Train Award Category! | PerezHilton.com:

Oh boy! This is uncomfy!
Rihanna has been nominated in the same category as her physically abusive ex-boyfriend Chris Brown at the 2011 Soul Train Awards!
The pair are both in the running for Best Dance Performance, Rihannafor "Only Girl in the World" and "What's My Name?" while Brown for "She Ain't You!"
Although we're happy to know that she has moved past the entire trauma and hasn't let her hatred for what he did fester and/or intensify, we're still not sure if it's appropriate for her to be anywhere near him!
But that's her call, and obviously, if she decides to go, then more power to her for her strength!

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