Jennifer Lawrence said she is not envious of ‘Twilight’ star Kristen Stewart, who rose to fame playing Bella Swan of the megahit ‘Twilight’ franchise.
“I look at Kristen Stewart now and I think, ‘I’d never want to be that famous. I can’t imagine how I’d feel if all of a sudden my life was pandemonium.”
Ooooohhhhhh, Jennifer. I think you’d better prepare yourself: advance sales for tickets to ‘The Hunger Games‘ have already topped pre-sales for ‘The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.’ Hopefully someone is preparing her! Jennifer enjoys her life as an actor, at least.
“In some ways, it’s a hard life, but it’s a great professional life. I’m doing what I love, and then I get months and months of rest. I have a lot of money for a 21-year-old. I can’t stand it when actors complain.”
Jennifer sounds very grounded: that should help her as her own star rises. And maybe she should take Kristen out to lunch, see if the ‘Twilight’ star has any advice. It couldn’t hurt

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