Mar 11, 2012

‘Big Bang Theory’ Star Mayim Bialik Reveals Her Unique Parenting Style

The ‘Blossom’ star explains her controversial parenting style for her two sons — including diaperless potty training!

Mayim Bialik doesn’t embrace her celebrity mom status quite like Angelina Jolie or Kourtney Kardashian. But in her new book Beyond the Sling, she brings a public face to the alternative parenting style of attachment parenting. “We’re accused of being martyrs and passive parents,” Mayim said during an intimate gathering of moms and bloggers at Simon and Schuester publishing offices on Wed. March 7.
The goal of attachment parenting is “forming and nurturing strong connections between parents and their children,” according to Attachment Parenting International.
Mayim’s parenting style features co-sleeping in a large family bed, an “unschooling” style of homeschooling and diaperless potty training for her sons, Miles, 7, and Frederick, 4. Her husband,Michael Stone, wasn’t too thrilled about the latter.
“He thought this diaper free thing was totally crazy and he didn’t want to do it,” Mayim said of hersupportive husband, who finally did come around.
Mayim may not publicize every moment of her or her children’s lives, but she won’t turn down a fan that approaches her on the street. “My son thinks it’s normal when people come up to me and take my picture or call me Blossom,” Mayim said.
And which of The Big Bang Theory boys does Mayim think would have benefited most from attachment parenting?
“Some would say Sheldon, but I think Leonard, because Leonard talks a lot about his mother. Leonard’s mom is the one that’s kind of dialing it in to be his attachment,” Mayim said about her co-star Johnny Galecki‘s character.

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