Apr 20, 2012

Gabrielle Union Talks Dating Dreamers, Dinner At The Obamas & Dwyane Wade On Chelsea Lately Read more: Gabrielle Union Talks Dating Dreamers, Dinner At The Obamas & Dwyane Wade On Chelsea Lately

Actress Gabrielle Union is a funny girl on the low, and she has great comedic timing. Last night, she kept the laughs coming during her sit down with Chelsea Handler as she talked about the losers she’s dated, what a dinner party at the White House with the Obamas is really like and her boo Dwayne Wade attempting to call the shots on her movie set.
Peep the excerpts and video:
On her character’s relationship in the movie ‘Think Like a Man’In this movie we’ve been together for about nine years and he’s sort of never progressed past the college stage. Besides the raggedy couch, we’ve got futons, bongs everywhere and he doesn’t have a good job but he’s perfectly content. So I’m trying to get him to step up in our relationship and get him to step up in his life.
Does this remind you of any of your relationships in real life? 
Well, the bong and not having any ambition that is really recent. I dated a lot of dreamers; Some people call them dreamers, my parents call them losers.
How do you break that pattern?You date Dwayne Wade. That was sort of how it broke for me because it was pretty much in my teens into my thirties.
On being Buddies with the ObamasYeah, it’s one of those random things where people are like, “Who should we invite to the dinner party? Well, there’s POTUS AND the FLOTUS,” which is weird because we have mutual friends. We’ve been to their house; you guys might have heard of the White House. I guess I was thinking that they would have Pâté and this super fancy stuff so we’re trying to eat before we go, just in case they didn’t have good food. I’m from Omaha and [Dwayne] is from Chicago and we’re like, “We need to eat” just in case they got too grand.
So we get there, and he’s got Jay-Z playing and Janet Jackson, potato salad and baked beans and we’re like, “Yeah!” So we ate again.
On if Dwayne Wade was on set a lot because the NBA lockoutYeah, he went to being one of the dreamers I had dated before like unemployed and just around.
Was he grabbing you cappuccinos and stuff like that?No, because I went from being one of the stars of the movie to Dwayne Wade is here! So he was getting all the good treatment but I think he really believed he was [Martin] Scorsese. He was next to the director and I could hear him; sometimes if we’re in the video village where the producers and directors are, you can hear them. They’re supposed to be silent and I could hear him say, “I don’t believe her.” What are you talking about? Your Gatorade commercial has prepared you and now you’re Scorsese?
Gabby also talked about recently getting her weave pat down by TSA (had to be the airport in Atlanta)

Watch below

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