Apr 16, 2012

Who Was Fired on Celebrity Apprentice?

Sunday’s “The Celebrity Apprentice” featured one of the more bizarre challenges of the season.
The teams were asked to create their very own puppets, and then stage a performance with cast members of Jim Henson‘s adult improv show, “Stuffed and Unstrung.”
Comedienne Lisa Lampanelli decided to head Team Forte, while bike aficionado Paul Teutul Sr. volunteered to step out of his comfort zone to lead Team Unanimous.
Before anyone even took the stage, Teutul’s laid-back management style was criticized by some of his teammates (though he was suffering from a back problem), and Dayana Mendoza set Lampanelli off by complaining about not being given enough responsibility, leaving both ladies in tears.
Still, both shows went off (relatively) without a hitch.
In the boardroom, however, the drama – and waterworks – returned when Lampanelli tearfully said she would offer herself to be fired if her team lost.
Luckily for her, it didn’t come to that, as team Forte was declared the winner, leaving Teutul and company to debate who was to blame for their loss.
Teutul pointed out Theresa Giudice‘s poor improvisation skills and her slowness at making decisions, while Giudice pointed the finger right back at him for his lack of involvement in and passion for the task, despite being project manager.
In the end, Donald Trump fired Teutul, as the responsibility for the team’s failure laid with him.

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