Jul 8, 2012

Why Spider-Man Andrew Garfield Is Better Than Toby Maguire

Excuse the headline — it’s probably a little harsher than I mean it to be.
But, I’ve seen many of these super hero movies — Captain America, Thor, The Avengers, The Dark Knight and now The Amazing Spider-Man. And, it’s easy for the script-writers, directors and actors to come up with a lot of cheese.
Spider-Man has all the action you want to see in a comic book movie and it’s one of Hollywood’s best 3D movies to date. I was fortunate enough to be on set for some of the 3D filming in downtown Los Angeles. The meticulous attention to detail by the stereographers clearly paid off in making the three-dimensional scenes subtle but effective. Warning: If you are afraid of heights — there are a few scenes that might make you queasy. It’s especially breathtaking to watch on the 85-foot-wide by 32-foot-high screen at the historic Cinerama Dome in Hollywood.
What surprised me and my three friends was the story. We loved it.
Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone have amazing chemistry onscreen –I can see how they became a couple in real life. Andrew has succeeded in bringing out a real sense of family with amazing veterans Martin Sheen and Sally Field.
Andrew’s Peter Parker is different from Toby Maguire’s in that Andrew isn’t just a geek — he’s also sexy. And, the role is modernized by having Peter be a victim of bullying — we all can identify with that — and, it was Andrew’s idea to have Peter ride a skateboard, thus giving him a cool factor. And, the girls and gay guys in my group thought he looked pretty good in the Spider-Man latex suit!
And now you know why it’s the number one movie in the US bringing in $140 million and $341.2 million worldwide.