Robert Pattinson’s “MTV First” interview aired Thursday night, and the actor talked about everything from Cosmopolis to his TV-viewing habits.
One topic not on the table for discussion?
His personal life, of course.
“You want to get tears, you gotta give the big bucks,” joked Pattinson.
Instead, the actor and interviewer Josh Horowitz mostly focused on his career, including the “gift” of starring inCosmopolis, which has received mostly positive reviews in recent days.
“It’s a relief not to get sh*t on,” Pattinson admitted, going on to talk about the process of filming the movie — including the highly-choreographed sex scenes.
Pattinson quipped that in such moments, he mostly focuses on “trying to… hide my belly.”
The movie star also commented on the end of the Twilight franchise, which will conclude this fall with the release of Breaking Dawn — Part 2.
“It was an amazing experience and a huge chunk of my life,” Pattinson said, adding, “I feel so much older now.”
And what about when Pattinson isn’t acting?
He’s watching reruns of “Cops,” getting made fun of for his accent, and writing music, revealing, “I think I might do some stuff soon.”
As Gossip Cop previously reported, Pattinson has a busy film slate ahead, with the actor set to star in several films, including Mission: Blacklist, which he hopes to film in Iraq, andQueen of the Desert.
First up, however, is The Rover.
Check out Pattinson talking about sex scenes in the video below!
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