Sep 18, 2012

E L James Discusses Fourth Fifty Shades of Grey Book and Film Casting on “Katie”

E L James set the record straight Monday during an appearance on “Katie,” where the Fifty Shades of Grey author discussed the much-rumored fourth book and the upcoming movie.
James, who admitted she was nervous about being on camera, said a new installment to the trilogy is not in the works.
Referring to the final section of Fifty Shades Freed, which showcased part of the story from the perspective ofChristian Grey, instead of Anastasia Steele, she explained, “I just put it in there as an outtake.”

James added, “I’d like to try to write something else first, but then maybe revisit [Christian Grey]. He’s really hard work.”
As for who will play those key characters in the film adaptation, the first-time novelistreiterated that no one has been cast in the roles.
“It’s a sort of collaborative effort,” James said of trying to get the movie off the ground, adding, “There’s a studio, there’s a production company, there’s two producers, at some point there will be a director.”
James, who said she’s both “excited” and “terrified” for the movie, also divulged that she has at least three actors in mind to play Christian, and four actresses for Anastasia.
“But I am not going to tell you,” she said to the disappointment of Fifty Shades fans everywhere.
Gossip Cop will add video shortly!

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