May 30, 2013

Jenna Jameson To Tito Ortiz: Give Me Back My Kids You Drug Addict!

Jenna Jameson wants her kids back and isn’t afraid to let things get messy over social media about it.
The 39-year-old former porn star has four year old twin boys with former UFC fighter Tito Ortiz.  The couple’s once loving relationship has gone downhill in the last several years with both parties alleging physical and substance abuse claims against each other.  They boys are living with Ortiz at the moment and Jameson moved out of the Orange County house the couple once shared.
Jameson took to her Twitter Thursday afternoon to say “my ex took my poor children away from me for NO reason. He did drugs and faked drug tests for UFC. I (sic) all my time with my babies, he partied. And I have proof! I will start posting pics of Tito and his drug use. Lets talk the truth!!!!!!”
She then posted a picture of syringes in a drawer that she claims belonged to Ortiz.  The picture showed several prescription medical bottles, but the only one visible was for Ibuprofen.
She continued “my children need their mother not a random drug addict. Soon the story of how he almost killed me in February will be public”
After Jenna was accused of beating her assistant with a brass knuckle iPhone accessory in April, Jenna’s kids were taken from her and given to Tito.
No response yet from Ortiz regarding her accusations, but the former UFC champ posted numerous pictures of himself playing with their sons on his Instagram account in the past 24 hours, including the tag “Happy 4life.”

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