May 28, 2013

Kelly Osbourne Tells Cosmo: Lady Gaga Is “Great Big Hypocrite”

Kelly Osbourne appears on the cover of July’s Cosmopolitan, and she opens up about boyfriend Matthew Mosshart, having children, her father Ozzy’s relapse, and her own addiction issues.
She also blasts Lady Gaga, with whom she and mom Sharon have feuded.
“I loved Lady Gaga. I totally believed in everything she stood for, until I realized she’s a great big hypocrite,” Osbourne tells the magazine.
The “Fashion Police” personality continues, “Don’t say, ‘When you see bullying, intervene,’ while letting your fans send me death threats. If my fans did that, I would not stand for it.”
“You can say whatever you want with your millions of monsters. I know the truth. [Your] bells and whistles mean nothing to me. You’re feeding on the freaks and geeks to further your career? Do you really care about the gay community? Because if you did, you’d stand up for it more than you do,” says Osbourne.
She’s much happier when discussing beau Mosshart, whom she says is different from other guys she’s dated (see photo below).
“He just wants to love me, and I just wanted to be loved by him,” says Osbourne. “Every single other guy I’ve dated has wanted something from me. They’d call people I know and ask for favors. I’d have to say, ‘Trust me. Telling someone you are my boyfriend isn’t going to get you very far.’”
Asked whether she wants kids in the future, Osbourne replies, “I do want babies, but I don’t want a great big vagina.”
Osbourne’s famous rocker dad recently admitted to a drug and alcohol relapse, which she says makes him a “real man.”
“I love and respect that he’s honest enough to say, ‘Yes, I did this. It was my fault.’ He’s a real man. Most people would hide, and he doesn’t,” she explains. “It doesn’t make me love him any less. It took a long time to get to that place, but I understand it now.”
And Osbourne knows that neither she nor Ozzy will ever be totally free of their issues.
“He’s an addict; I’m an addict,” she admits. “It’s going to be one of those things we battle for the rest of our lives. I take the necessary precautions. If you’re not happy and healthy, it’s not worth any of it. Everyone says sex, drugs, and rock and roll are fun. It ain’t fun. It is not something to glorify.”