May 2, 2013

Reese Witherspoon: I Told Cop “I Was Pregnant” During Drunken Arrest (VIDEO)

Reese Witherspoon says herdisorderly conduct arrest was evenworse than reported.
The Mud star revealed on Thursday’s “Good Morning America” that she “panicked” when she saw the police officer busting her husband Jim Toth, confessing, “I told [the cop] I was pregnant.”
“I’m not pregnant. I said all kinds of crazy things,” the actress said.
Witherspoon went on to explain, “We went out to dinner in Atlanta and we had one too many glasses of wine. We thought we were fine to drive and we absolutely were not. We know better and we shouldn’t have done that.”
As for her asking the arresting cop, “Do you know my name?” she A-lister admits, “I was so disrespectful to him.”
“I have police officers in my family,” she shared, noting, “I work with police officers every day. I know better. It’s just unacceptable.”
Witherspoon added, “I played a lawyer in a movie so many times I think I am a lawyer. And, clearly, I’m not a lawyer because I got arrested.”


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