Jun 21, 2013

CLAIM: Jennifer Aniston Calls Off War on Angelina Jolie Due to Double Mastectomy

Jennifer Aniston has called a cease fire in her supposed war with Angelina Jolie in the wake of Jolie’s double mastectomy, claims the National Enquirer.
The magazine has long pretended that Aniston still feuds with Jolie, even though the actresses moved onyears ago.
Following Jolie’s recent health scare, however, the Enquirer says things are different.
“Jennifer had never been able to stop resenting Angie for cheating with [Brad Pitt], but when the astounding news of her double mastectomy broke, Jen was totally shocked,” explains a tabloid source.
The Enquirer insider adds, “She wouldn’t wish what Angie’s gone through on anyone! And her love rival’s ordeal allowed Jen to release — finally and forever — all those hard feelings she’s been harboring.”
What’s more, says the outlet, Aniston has “warned pals who’ve joined her anti-Angie rampages over the years that there’ll be NO Jolie-bashing henceforth!”
Chelsea Handler’s at the top of that list, and Jennifer’s warned her to lay off jokes relating to Angelina — now and forever,” says the Enquirer source, later adding that while Aniston is “not planning to strike up a friendship” with Jolie, she wishes her and Pitt “well.”
This is absurd.
Jennifer Aniston has not been leading a cadre of friends in an epic fight against Angelina Jolie, except in the fevered imagination of the National Enquirer and other tabloids.
The Enquirer wanted an Aniston angle on the Jolie double mastectomy story — so it manufactured one.

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