Jun 14, 2013

Demi Moore Leaking Ashton Kutcher Penis Pics For “Revenge,” Says Mag

“Hollywood divorces can be nasty, but Demi Moore seems to be hitting below the belt — literally — in her split from Ashton Kutcher,” begins a ridiculous piece from Star, which claims the actress is “getting her revenge” on her ex by leaking photos of his allegedly small package.
Come again?
According to the mag, “Demi has some revealing images of Ashton on her phone that appear to show he’s lacking in a certain department.”
Ooh, tell us more.
Moore has supposedly “confided” to a pal that Kutcher was “not the most well-equiped lover she’s ever had — and the photos seem to back up that claim,” claims the tabloid.
The purported “friend” says, “Demi is still hurting that Ashton cheated and the rebounded so soon after their split.”
“It could just be the angle, but these photos don’t leave a big impression,” adds the made up source.
And neither does this pitiful story.
If Moore had really wanted to get some sort of seedy revenge on Kutcher, wouldn’t she have done it after their breakup back in 2011?
The exes have both moved on from their split almost two years ago, so why can’t Star?
In any case, Gossip Cop checked in with a Moore insider, who tells us the tab’s revenge tale is totally absurd.