Jun 3, 2013

Justin Bieber’s Monkey Has A New Home

Good news for Justin Bieber’s monkey as the pet primate finally has a permanent home.
German authorities have placed Mally the monkey in the hands of caretakers at the Serengeti Park in Hodagen, where the 23-week-old capuchin is about to be introduced to a family of his own kind!
Mally was seized and placed in quarantine when Justin Bieber’s private jet landed in Munich back in March, without appropriate documentation.
The teen pop star who, some say can barely take care of himself, made no attempt to retrieve the monkey which was given to him as a gift for his 19th birthday.
Mally will join Germany’s only white-headed capuchin family in captivity.  According to Dr. Fabrizio Sepe, Managing Director of the Serengeti Park, “All necessary preparations are being made to ensure that Mally has the best possible transition to his new home and has no problems integrating with others of his species.” 
Serengeti Park is spread over a six million square foot area, and contains more than 1,500 free-roaming animals.
“We are confident that the integration will go off without a hitch,” adds Sepe.

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