Jun 29, 2013

Taylor Swift Branded “Whore” By Westboro Baptist Church; Group Set to Picket Show

The hatemongers at Westboro Baptist Church have a new target: Taylor Swift.
Having already disgustingly picketed the funerals of Elizabeth Taylor, killed U.S. military personnel, and countless others, the bigot group has announced plans to protest Swift’s concert in Kansas City on August 3.
What’s the reason?
The Westboro Baptist Church apparently believes the singer and her “sin-coddling songs” have corrupted the nation’s youth.
“@TaylorSwift13 works her ‘girl next door’ country-singer shtick, while hopping from one young man to the next and strutting across the world stage like a proud whore,” explains the WBC announcement (interestingly, using Yiddish), which goes on to excoriate Swift for not using her popularity to tell young women, “Stop fornicating ladies, and obey God.”
The group slams her “immodest vulgar appearance” and “serial fornication,” and calls her “the poster child for the young whores of doomed-america.”
And so the WBC, infamously behind the slogan “God Hates F*gs,” is calling for followers to “picket the whorish face of doomed America” outside the Sprint Center in Kansas City on August 3.