Sep 11, 2013

Gia Allemand’s Mother: She Wanted Me To Be There During Suicide Attempt

Tragic Bachelor beauty Gia Allemand committed suicide while she was on the phone with her beloved mother, according to an exclusive interview on Tuesday’s season opener of Dr. Phil.
In the interview — which was taped without a studio audience — Donna Micheletti recalls her final conversation with the 29-year-old, saying “She was so tired of being hurt. And then I realized she was saying goodbye. I was saying to her, ‘Sunshine, princess, we can make it together.’ She did it while I was talking to her.”

Dr. Phil then questioned Donna about why Gia would do such a dramatic action while on the phone with her. She responded:
“I’m the closest person in the world to her and she didn’t want to be alone when she left this world. So she wanted Mommy to be there, I guess. I have no regrets. That sounds bad, but we had our last conversation, and that’s all she wanted. I heard her last breath. I didn’t know what it was until after the fact. I stayed on for ten minutes. I didn’t want to hang up.  I tried other phones to call Ryan, but (the line with Gia) got disconnected.
Her daughter lost consciousness while on the phone with her mother.  That’s when Micheletti realized that Gia really had followed through with such a drastic act.
“She did it when I couldn’t understand her anymore. Then it was dead silence. I said ‘Wake up!’ I texted Ryan. I thought she was mumbling. I couldn’t wrap my head around it until I got there the next day and she was in the hospital. She was hooked up to life support. She looked beautiful. I couldn’t believe she could still look that good. I was hoping [for recovery] but I knew she was gone.”
Allemand hung herself with a vacuum cord on Monday, August 12 after a reported fight with boyfriend Ryan Anderson.  She was taken to a New Orleans hospital but had suffered too much organ and brain function and was declared dead two days later.

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