Is The Good Wife’s Julianna Margulies going to finally going to become George Clooney’s wife in an ER reunion movie?
Fans of the medical
drama have been dying to see Carol and Doug get married
on the big screen — even though they left the series 13 years ago.

“This is how rumors start,” she explained. “I’m doing a press tour for the show, for the Television Critics Association, and someone says, ‘Well, you know, so and so, Buffy the Vampire’s doing a reunion movie and so and so’s doing a reunion movie. Would you and George ever do a reunion movie?’” she told Katie Couric. “And I go, ‘Well, that’s hilarious. No.’”
She continues, “However, we always used to joke about that we should have the Carol and Doug wedding because we never had one on the show, and tell Warner Bros. — who produced the show — that we wouldn’t take a paycheck, we would just take a back end, and the whole movie would just be this wedding. It was a joke, and then the next day, [it was] all over the Internet
. … We’re not.”

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