Sep 25, 2013

Internet Gets Weird With Miley Cyrus ‘Hump Day’ Bestiality Meme

Ok, we’ve all seen our fair share of Miley Cyrus meme’s, from the star being compared to a naked Hank Hill to Cyrus’ booty being compared to a raw chicken butt, all of which are hilarious! But this Wednesday, it’s gone a bit too far!
The meme society has managed to come up with the most tasteless Miley Cyrus meme to date! On Wednesday, Extreme Entertainment came across a crude meme of Cyrus being humped by a “hump back” camel on hump day. Ew!

The image is captioned: “Guess What Day Today Is?” while Miley bends over sticking out her tongue being humped by a camel (The image is obviously photoshopped–so don’t worry, you’re not actually looking at animal porn).
So, did Miley ask for it? Or has this silly little joke gone too far?