Oct 23, 2013

CLAIM: Shia LaBeouf Whipped Tank Gun Turret Into Brad Pitt’s Face, Sparking Fight

Brad Pitt exploded on the set of his new WWII flick Fury when co-star Shia LaBeouf… suddenly smashed Brad in the kisser with the smoking-hot barrel of a machine gun!” claims the National Enquirer, which has botched stories about both actors for years.
According to the outlet’s source, the two men were in a tank while filming in England, when LaBeouf “became a bit too intrigued by the machine guns in the tank’s turrets and started firing the guns wildly between scenes.”

That’s when things allegedly turned ugly.
“The guns were loaded with blanks, not real bullets, but Brad was NOT happy with Shia goofing around. He tapped him on the shoulder, meaning to caution him, but Shia whipped the gun turret around and hit Brad smack in the face with the hot barrel!” says the Enquirer source.
A “livid” Pitt supposedly yelled at LaBeouf, who allegedly laughed, purportedly causing Pitt to snap and lunge at the younger actor.
“Crew members literally had to pull him off the jerk,” reports the Enquirer insider.
How dramatic!
Too bad it never happened!

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