Oct 23, 2013

Lily Collins Has Become Out of Control Diva, According to Star

Lily Collins is geting a little big for her couture britches,” declares Star.
According to a “source” for the confused tabloid, the actress “will completely ignore anyone who isn’t A-list. And at a recent party in Bel Air, she literally threw her cocktail on the carpet because she didn’t like it! Everyone was horrified.”

“One editor cancelled a photo shoot because she heard Lily was terrible to deal with,” claims the Starinsider. “She’ll demand to bring her own stylist and is so prissy that she refuses to use a bathroom that’s been used by someone else.”
The tab’s tipster adds, “Her ego is going to ruin her career if she doesn’t get herself in check!”
Since all of this purported diva behavior sounds nothing like anything we’ve heard about Collins, Extreme Entertainment checked in with a source close to the actress, who calls Star’s story “so false.”
The actual insider tells Extreme Entertainment that Collins is the ”nicest person in the world.”

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