Nov 22, 2013

Charlie Sheen Alleged Sex Tape Seller Reportedly Goes Missing During Trial

Charlie Sheen allegedly appears in a sex tape that was among the items said to be stolen during a burglary of the home of Christina Fulton, whose ex Nicolas Cage is allegedly featured in other explicit images taken in the heist – and now a key witness has gone missing under bizarre circumstances.
Fulton’s former handyman Ricardo Orozco is currently on trial for the burglary, and is accused of stealing computers and memorabilia from the residence.
According to TMZ, another man named Darwin Vela allegedly went with Orozco to meet representatives for Sheen, claiming that he and Orozco were in possession of a sex tape starring the “Anger Management” actor.
A detective has testified that the alleged Sheen sex tape was among the items stolen from Fulton’s house.
Vela was supposed to testify in the Orozco trial — but went missing earlier this week.
According to TMZ, he took his dog Cocoa for a walk on Tuesday but never returned.
Cocoa did reportedly make his way back to Vela’s home, supposedly with “human blood” on his leash.

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