Nov 12, 2013

Ryan Reynolds Clarifies Airplane Throw-Up Story!

Ryan Reynolds is back on the set of his movie Selfless after spending the weekend in New York City on Monday (November 11) in New Orleans, La.

The 37-year-old actor, who noshed on Chobani Greek Yogurt with all-natural ingredients, attended the 2013 A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Cure Parkinson’s Event over the weekend with his wife Blake Lively.

At the event, Ryan clarified that he was not recently thrown-up on after flying on an airplane.

“That is utterly made-up. I don’t know where that stuff comes from. It’s fantastic, it sounds like a great story,” Ryan told E! News. “Someone threw up on me in fifth grade. That was the last time it happened. Sherry Piper, while we were square dancing. Trafalgar Elementary School. Yeah, that was the last time.”

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