Mar 4, 2014

Chris Harrison: No Gay or ‘Chubby’ Bachelor in Future

Chris Harrison says he’s not sure “The Bachelor” would benefit from having a gay bachelor, and that the reality show definitely shouldn’t have an overweight star.

In a recent New York Times interview, the host is asked about Juan Pablo’s opposition to a homosexual “Bachelor” and offers his own thoughts.

“The question is: Is it a good business decision?” asks Harrison. “If you’ve been making pizzas for 12 years and you’ve made millions of dollars and everybody loves your pizzas and someone comes and says, ‘Hey, you should make hamburgers.’ Why? I have a great business model, and I don’t know if hamburgers are going to sell.”

He’s quick to add that it’s not homophobia that’s behind his reasoning.

“Is our job to break barriers, or is it a business? That’s not for me to answer,” says Harrison. “If you want to talk about that with me on a philosophical level, I’m happy to: I am 100 percent for equality and gay marriage.”

What about a “chubby guy” as a “Bachelor” at one point?

“No. You know why? Because that’s not attractive, and television is a very visual medium, and I know that sounds horrible to say, but I know that at 42, in the eyes of television, I’m old and unattractive,” explains the host. “Sure, I can put a suit and tie on, but I have hair on my chest and I don’t have a 12-pack.”

What do you think about Harrison’s comments?