Mar 12, 2014

Radio Host: Frozen “Indoctrinates” Kids into Homosexuality, Treats Bestiality Lightly – LISTEN HERE

Frozen is being accused of spreading “evil” messages of homosexuality and bestiality by Kevin Swanson, a pastor and host of Generations Radio.

Swanson and his co-host Steve Vaughn launched into a tirade against the Disney film on Wednesday, with Vaughn accusing Disney of “making sin enticing.”

Swanson told listeners that Frozen is ”evil, just evil.”

He added, “I wonder if people are thinking, ‘You know I think this cute little movie is going to indoctrinate my 5-year-old to be a lesbian or treat homosexuality or bestiality in a light sort of way’… You know they’re not. I think for the most part they’re oblivious. Maybe they do pick up on pieces of it, but they just don’t get up and walk out.”

The two radio hosts, however, didn’t support their theory with any examples from the film.
Swanson further attacked Disney for producing this kind of “evil” for decades.

He said: “I’m not a tinfoil hat conspiratorialist, but you wonder sometimes if maybe there’s something very evil happening here. If I was the Devil, what would I do to really foul up an entire social system and do something really, really, really evil to 5- and 6- and 7-year-olds in Christian families around America?”

“If I was the Devil, I would buy Disney in 1984, that’s what I would have done,” said Swanson.

Check out the audio below, and tell us what you think.