Aug 26, 2014

Bachelor in Paradise Recap: Did Jesse Have Threesome With Christy and Lucy?

At the end of Monday’s “Bachelor in Paradise,”Graham stormed off when AshLee called his name during the rose ceremony, leaving everyone wondering if he was finally fed up with her conniving ways.
On Tuesday’s episode of the two night event,Michelle ran after Graham and found him sweating profusely, on the verge of passing out. She was convinced he became physically ill because he had just learnedAshLee was gossiping about Clare.
Yes, Graham was sick. But was he sick of AshLee? Not quite.
Clare was outraged that AshLee wasn’t chasing after Graham to see if he was okay, but apparently he didn’t mind her lack of concern.
Once he got his bearings, Graham returned to the ceremony to accept AshLee’s rose.
Lacy was disgusted that he took the rose, noting that she think AshLee is “just fake.”
An epidemic must have hit Tulum, Mexico because Lacy was the next to get ill. Michelle once again presumed another cast member’s physical ailments were the result of disdain for AshLee.
Marcus ran after Lacy, who was profusely vomiting in the bathroom. He insisted that she go to the hospital.
“I was terrified for her,” he said of her sudden illness.
After Marcus and Lacy left in an ambulance,Chris Harrison announced the rose ceremony would continue.
The show literally must go on.
Michelle gave her rose to CodySarah choseRobertJackie ended up picking Jesse overMarquel, which may prove to be a mistake in the end. Jesse only wanted the rose so he could have a chance to get to know all of the women on the show.
In the end, Kalon and Marquel were sent packing.
At the hospital it was revealed that Lacy had inflammation of the intestines and her vomiting caused her dehydration.
So not quite AshLee related.
The next day Christy Hansen from Juan Pablo‘s season of “The Bachelor” showed up in Mexico with a date card. She asked outZack, who turned her down because of his relationship with Clare.
Jesse was thrilled that he was the next to be asked out by Christy and immediately accepted.
“How can you cut yourself off from experiencing paradise,” he justified the date.
The duo skipped the romantic dinner and instead had a rowdy day of drinking beer and tequila shots.
Sounds about right for these two.
Sarah was the next one in the house to score a date card, and she of course picked Robert.
During their outing, Sarah was desperate for him to make a move. They finally shared their first kiss in a pool.
Just when it looked like Clare and Zack were ready to get serious, they had conversation that threw her over the edge.
Zack basically told her he wasn’t sure of their relationship. Not exactly what she wanted to hear. Clare started to have PTSD flashbacks from her time with Juan Pablo.
She ran into the jungle, crying the entire way.
“He makes no sense!” she proclaimed hysterically. “And all the AshLee drama…I’m like having a panic attack on national television, looking like a fool again.”
After another reality romance failure, Clare woke up Zack and announced the was was leaving the show.
The day after Clare’s departure, Lucy from Juan Pablo’s season of “The Bachelor” showed up wearing a flower crown, offering hugs and kisses to anyone in her path.
Of course Jesse thought she would be great to hang out with, especially after she got stark naked.
“I thought everyone was going to be running around topless,” Jesse noted of paradise.
Jesse is clearly the new player in the house because he made a date with Lucy. Yes, that would be his third date in a row.
Christy, who was friends with Lucy, warned her not to make out with Jesse because she already did.
Unfortunately for Jesse, Lucy put clothes on for their date to the Mayan ruins.
Michelle was the next to get a date card, and she asked Cody. They were getting serious fast, so fast that even Lacy thought they were moving to quick.
On their first official date, they took mock engagement photos. Cody basically professed his love within three days of knowing Michelle. Even she wanted to slow things down.
Ironically, the next series of pics involved her donning a wedding dress.
“What the hell is even happening?” she asked herself when she saw the white gown.
Michelle, whose first marriage had failed, started freaking out and tried to convince herself it was just a fun photo shoot.
“It’s fake! It’s not real!” she yelled on the beach, while the posed for pictures.
Graham and AshLee were the next to go on a date, and they headed to Cancun where they drove race cars.
AshLee proved to Graham that she is a safe driver better suited for a minivan.
Back at the house, Christy was bummed that everyone was paired up and the one available guy was on a date with her friend.
Christy had ever reason to be upset because Lucy was in deed making out with Jesse.
“I am pretty sexual all around,” Lucy noted. “I am open to just about everything.”
When they returned on from their date, they met everyone at the bonfire. Jesse took the opportunity to get everyone liquored up when he realized all of his ladies were in one place.
Christy later grilled him about his date with Lucy, and Jesse explained he said he didn’t want to go out with Lucy but he said yes because he wanted her to feel welcome.
And Christy fell for that line.
Later, she and Jesse started making out in the bedroom. Then Lucy popped in.
Threesome? Nothing was captured on film, but it was revealed that the trio woke up in the same bed.
Although, it was clear that both women were vying for Jesse’s rose.
Lucy had no problem stabbing her friend in the back when she told Jesse that Christy claimed she had no idea it was Jesse in her bed until she felt his beard.
Now that Clare was gone, Zack was able to pursue his interest in Jackie.
At the end of the night Robert gave his rose to Sarah. Graham chose AshLee. Cody picked Michelle. Marcus gifted his to Lacy and professed his love for her in front of the entire group. Harrison was grinning from ear to ear. Zack moved on with Jackie.
For the final rose, Jesse ultimately chose to give his to rose to Christy, mostly because he can never seem to remember Lucy’s name.
Who said romance was dead?