Feb 15, 2015

Taylor Swift Spends Valentine’s Day With 15-Year-Old Fan Sophie (PHOTOS)

Taylor Swift gave one special fan the Valentine’s Day of a lifetime, inviting a 15-year-old named Sophie and her family over to her New York apartment for baking, selfies, and cuddle sessions with the superstar’s cat Olivia Benson. Check out the photos below!
“I just spent the past three and a half hours hanging out with the world’s greatest musician, inspiration, and friend. and her cat,” Sophie posted on Tumblr after the get-together, sharing a number of photos she and Swift took together. The Boston native went on, “Taylor, thank you so much for everything. I will never be able to put into worlds how grateful and thankful my family and I are that you welcomed us into your home, made us lunch, baked cookies with us, SANG WILDEST DREAMS, took selfies, and spent your time talking to us… ON VALENTINE’S DAY. I love you more that words could ever describe and this was by far the best day of my life.”
Sophie was so ecstatic, she could not stop gushing about the experience, and writing new thank-you notes to Swift. “TAYLOR THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO SO MUCH. I’m actually speechless. You’re so kind and genuine and hilarious and incredible and talented and I CAN BARELY TYPE BUT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH,” she wrote in one post. In another she said, “I got to spend Valentine’s Day with an actual angel.”
So, what was Swift and her home like? “She was soo oooo oooo genuine,” said Sophie, noting, “Her house was just so magical, like everything was so beautiful.” The singer made matching flower crowns for herself and Sophie to wear, and played “Wildest Dreams” on the piano, a track from 1989 that Swift has yet to perform publicly. “We sat down to take a photo at the piano and she started playing and then all of a sudden she started to sing like I DIED,” Sophie posted, adding, “Saying it was the most magnificent, beautiful, incredible sound I have ever heard would be an understatement.”
Sophie and her family returned to their hotel afterward, where they were all reeling, in a positive way, from the intimate afternoon. “I just hugged my dad and then started to cry because the last person I had hugged was Taylor Swift,” Sophie posted on her Tumblr. She further wrote, “Thinking about all that Taylor has done for me is making me sob like a baby.”
Sophie was also one of the lucky fans to get a “Swiftmas” present from Swift in December, and was even mentioned by name in the video documenting the gift-giving process. The songstress has proven time and again to be extremely generous with her fans, and had a number of her most devoted Swifties over to her various homes last year for 1989 listening sessions. And, as Extreme Entertainment reported Saturday, Swift also sent some select fans Valentine’s Day gifts. We imagine, though, nothing tops Sophie’s very Swifty Valentine’s Day. See the pics below!

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