Oct 8, 2015

Jamie Foxx Performing At President Obama’s $10,000 Ticket Fundraiser

Jamie Foxx will be the special performer at Saturday’s Democratic National Committee fundraiser with President ObamaExtreme Entertainment confirms.
Tickets for the event, which is being held at a private residence in Pacific Palisades, California, are going for as much as $10,000 a pop. That gets you a personal photo with President Obama, along with priority seating for Foxx’s performance. Base ticket prices begin at $1,000 each.
The pricey fundraiser has a dual purpose. President Obama will use the appearance to discuss the policy initiatives he wants to work on for the rest of his term, and the DNC will be raking in money to support whoever ends up winning the Democratic nomination for the 2016 election. And, given Obama’s close relationships with many in Hollywood, it stands to reason Foxx probably won’t be the only celebrity in attendance.
Foxx actually has a long history with President Obama. Their multiple interactions over the years include the actor attending a pre-inauguration celebration in 2009 (see photo above), participating in his 2010 “Moving America Forward” rally, and partnering on the 2011 Obama Victory Fund 2012 Kick-Off for the president’s second term.

Foxx hasn’t yet come out in support of any of the new Democratic candidates, with the primary race so far focused around Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. TELL US: What do you think of Foxx performing at President Obama’s DNC event?

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