Jan 12, 2016

Kevin Hart Caught Lady Gaga Before Falling Off Stage At Golden Globes (VIDEO)

Kevin Hart appeared on Tuesday’s “Ellen DeGeneres Show,” where he claimed to have saved Lady Gaga’s life at Sunday’s Golden Globe Awards. The comedian revealed that the singer almost fell walking off stage, but he managed to catch her before she went down. See the video below.
As Extreme Entertainment reported, Lady Gaga won Best Actress in a Limited TV Series for her role on “American Horror Story: Hotel.” But what no one knew at the time is that directly after her acceptance speech, she almost fell while walking off stage. Hart related, “As I caught her, I said… ‘It could have been really bad for you, but I saved your life.'”
The comedian went on to joke that had she fallen, “It could have been brutal. We’re talking blood, broken bones.” Hart added, “I didn’t let her go down that far because I’m a hero.” He then revealed that Lady Gaga was so dazzled by his heroic act that the two had a “moment.” “It was a thing, and I was like, ‘I’m engaged!'” joked Hart. Of course, Lady Gaga herself is engaged to actor Taylor Kinney. Watch Hart recall his lifesaving “moment” with Lady Gaga at the Golden Globes in the video below.

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