Jan 12, 2016

Lucy Hale Eats Grasshoppers And Larvae On ‘Live With Kelly And Michael’ (VIDEO)

Lucy Hale appeared on Tuesday’s “Live with Kelly & Michael,” where she ate an array of bizarre foods, including chocolate covered larvae and grasshopper tacos. See the funny video below.
During Hale’s interview on the morning talk show, the “Pretty Little Liars” star told co-hosts Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan that she’s a big fan of the reality show “Bizarre Foods,” in which host Andrew Zimmern travels around the world eating unusual cuisine. Hale then made the mistake of revealing, “I will try anything once,” and with that, Strahan brought out a table of mystery dishes.
“I just got myself into some trouble,” the actress joked. The first plate contained chocolate covered larvae, which Hale said looked “not so bad.” But how did it taste? After munching on the chocolate covered larvae, Hale said, “I’m actually enjoying it.”
Dish number two was an ox tongue, to which the actress insisted, “Absolutely not.” Hale didn’t even try it, noting, “This just looks heinous. I’m not even going there.” The next two plates were full of grasshopper tacos and cold jellyfish. With a bit of hesitation, Hale then took a bite of a grasshopper taco, and was surprised to find out she “actually enjoyed that.” She added jokingly, “I feel like I have the legs in my teeth right now!” Watch the funny video below of Lucy Hale eating a number of bizarre foods on “Live with Kelly & Michael.”

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