May 24, 2016

Bernie Sanders “The View” Video: Watch New Interview!

Bernie Sanders returned to “The View” on Tuesday to discuss his continuing campaign against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination. Check out the video below.
As Extreme Entertainment reported, Sanders last appeared on the ABC talk show in early April. At the time, he spoke at length about what he has to offer over Clinton, and addressed the seemingly negative tone the primary race had taken. This time, Sanders appeared via satellite rather than in person, and was asked by Whoopi Goldberg right off the bat why he hasn’t dropped out of the race yet considering he can’t win the nod with his current pledged delegates.
Sanders responded, “I think it would be unfair and very undemocratic to tell the people [in the remaining primary states] that they do not have a right to determine who the next president of the United States it.” He also rejected the notion that he’s “doing more harm to the party than good.” The Senator argued, “This is an uphill fight. We do have a chance to win a majority of the pledged delegates.”
Speaking in the third person, Sanders went on, “Polls show that Bernie Sanders is a much stronger candidate to beat Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton.” He then touted increased voter registration in California. “I don’t think I’m harming the Democratic party. I think I’m invigorating democracy.”
On Clinton declining a recent debate invitation, Sanders offered, “I think she just doesn’t want to go face to face debating her views on the issues versus my views.” Joy Behar countered that Clinton has already debated, and then confronted him about allegations of violence amid his supporters. He, however, rejected such claims.
When Goldberg said she wanted a stronger condemnation of aggressive election tactics, Sanders exclaimed, “Of course you don’t threaten an individual. It’s an outrage. It’s unacceptable… It goes without saying that I will condemn any and all forms of violence.”
Sanders then turned the conversation back to the debate topic by name-checking issues and saying there’s no reason not to have a “vigorous” face-off with Clinton. After a commercial break, the Senator’s target turned. “Donald Trump is a demagogue,” he said of the Republican frontrunner. “He is a bigot. And he has nothing important to say about the important issues facing out country.”
He added, “I will do everything I can to ensure Donald Trump isn’t elected president of the United States.” Sanders went on to deny that he is only helping Trump win by staying in the race. And despite the tense tone of the appearance, with the co-hosts grilling him hard, they all encouraged him to come back again at the end. Watch the full interview below.

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