May 30, 2016

Johnny Depp Hollywood Vampires Concert Defended By Amusement Park

A Swedish amusement park is defending its decision to go ahead with a Sunday concert from the Hollywood Vampires, despite the domestic violence allegations against Johnny Depp.
As Extreme Entertainment has reported, Depp’s estranged wife Amber Heard filed for divorce last week. On Friday, she was granted a restraining order after claiming he had been verbally and physically abusive throughout their marriage. Though Depp himself has not personally commented on the accusation, his lawyer has suggested Heard only made the allegation to obtain a “premature” financial settlement.
But many fans both in the United States and worldwide have been calling for a boycott of Depp’s new movie, Alice Through The Looking Glass, as well as his current tour with his band. That includes objections to Sunday night’s Hollywood Vampires show at the Grona Lund amusement park in Stockholm, Sweden. But ahead of the show, a spokesperson was standing by the event.
The rep told People, “We are opposed to any sort of violence, of course. But it’s also equally important that we cannot judge someone beforehand. Everyone, including Johnny Depp, should be allowed to have the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty.” Fans lined up for the event hours before its scheduled start time, and Grona Lund said it was expecting a sold-out crowd.
The concert is now currently underway, with the venue documenting it on the amusement park’s Instagram. Depp and the Hollywood Vampires, which include Alice Cooper and Joy Perry, have performed in Portugal and Germany since the abuse claims came out. Additional shows are slated for Denmark and Romania next week, with many stops scheduled in the U.S. beginning in July. Depp is pictured above at Sunday’s Herborn appearance.

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