May 31, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Moving To Russia?

Is Lindsay Lohan moving to Russia? One outlet is claiming the star may pack up and go after she weds Russian fiancĂ© Egor TarabasovExtreme Entertainment can reveal where things currently stand.
“As her wedding plans for her nuptials to Egor Tarabasov continue to take shape, an insider has revealed to that Lindsay Lohan may be making a major move following the ceremony,” writes OK!. A so-called “source” is quoted as saying, “She’s always had this major fascination with Eastern Europe and loves the idea of getting to embrace a new, non-Westernized culture. On top of that she’s desperate to meet Egor’s rich family and prove to them that her intentions are honorable.”
“What better way to do this than by moving to their country and embracing their traditions?” continues the alleged insider. “Egor’s thrilled, but nervous because he worries what many of his family and friends back home will think of Lindsay.”
Of course, referring to Lohan’s future relatives as “Egor’s rich family” when the actress is supposedly trying to prove her “intentions are honorable” is probably not the best course of action. But that’s not the only suspicious part of this story. OK! goes on to regurgitate the previously-debunked claims about Lohan “banning” her own parents from her wedding due to their supposed fighting.

Extreme Entertainment busted that “feud” allegation earlier this month, and now we can bust this new article as well. We’re told that while it’s certainly possible Lohan and Tarabasov may have a home in Russia, she is not planning to move there full time. “She has too much stuff going on in the U.K.,” explains our contact. So right now, all signs point to Lohan staying put in London, where she’s lived for the last several years.