Jun 21, 2016

Betty White Alzheimer’s Claim NOT True

Betty White is NOT battling Alzheimer’s disease, despite a completely made-up webloid report. Extreme Entertainment can exclusively correct this claim. We’re told it’s “not true.”
According to RadarOnline, the 94-year-old actress couldn’t remember her lines while filming an appearance on the NBC series, “Crowded.” A so-called “source” tells the tabloid, “Betty fears she’s losing her mind. It was a terrible scene at the taping. The more she tried to get her lines, the worse it got, until she was in tears.”
The site’s dubious insider, who is making these allegations more than two months after White’s episode aired and even longer since it was filmed, further claims that the comedienne “didn’t know where she was” at one point during the shoot, and “almost all her words disappeared from her mind.” The “source” adds, “She finally got through the show but she was embarrassed and horrified!” The outlet’s seemingly phony insider goes on to claim that White’s supposed mental issues began “almost overnight,” but “she’s refusing to get tested for dementia or Alzheimer’s.”
The webloid’s mean-spirited report then says that performing is “what keeps [White] alive,” but now the actress is allegedly “deteriorating before our eyes!” But Extreme Entertainment checked in with a rep for the actress, who exclusively assures us that White isn’t battling Alzheimer’s or any other sort of mental disorder. We’re told the actress is in good health, and the site’s claim otherwise is simply “not true.”

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