Jun 1, 2016

Brad Pitt Angry Angelina Jolie Is “More Concerned” With Refugees Than Family?

Brad Pitt is NOT angry that Angelina Jolie is allegedly “more concerned” with helping refugees than spending time with her own family, despite a bogus tabloid report. Extreme Entertainment can exclusively correct this claim. We’re told it’s “not true.”
According to the National Enquirer, Jolie’s humanitarian work is trumping her parental duties, and Pitt is concerned. A so-called “source” tells the tabloid, “Their six children are growing up, and they need both their mother and father.” The magazine’s supposed insider then claims, “While Brad’s been working, Angie devotes all her time and energy to trying to fix the Syrian refugee crisis.” The outlet’s seemingly phony source further claims Jolie’s philanthropic efforts have “consumed her every waking hour,” adding, “Her efforts to save the world’s refugees may be destroying her family in the process!”
Here’s what’s true about this story: Jolie is a stanch human rights activist and often assists in various causes. Here’s what’s false: Everything else. Extreme Entertainment checked in with a source close to the situation, who exclusively assures us that Jolie’s altruism isn’t interfering with her family. The actress is able to balance both important aspects of her life, and the tabloid’s claim otherwise is simply “not true.”
Unfortunately, we’re not particularly surprised by the tabloid’s tall tale. Extreme Entertainment has repeatedly called out the Enquirer for its many factually wrong stories about Jolie, including the similarly false claim that she was risking her health by going on a “hunger strike” to raise awareness about starving Syrian refugees. The tabloid’s latest lame attempt to spin the actress’s humanitarian efforts into something negative is equally baseless.