Jun 22, 2016

Celebrities React To House Democrats Gun Control Sit-In

Democratic lawmakers staged a sit-in on the House floor Wednesday to force Republican leaders to vote on gun control legislation. Many celebrities are now reacting to the protest. See stars’ reactions below.
Georgia congressman John Lewis and 40 fellow House Democrats led the effort, which is calling on House Speaker Paul Ryan and other members of Congress to pass a gun safety bill. Several House Democrats involved in the occupation tweeted pictures (see right) from inside the chambers, using the hashtag #NoBillNoBreak.
Just as the sit-in commenced, President Barack Obama tweeted, “Thank you John Lewis for leading on gun violence where we need it most.” Olivia Wilde expressed, “YES. This is democracy at work. The majority of Americans support gun control. It’s time to demand action. Go John!” And Alyssa Milano noted, “I stand with those who Sit-In for gun control.”
Bryan Cranston called out House lawmakers opposed to gun legislation, writing, “With such cowardice GOP House members exhibited, being the puppets of the NRA, a name change is advised: Geldings On Parade.” AnnaSophia Robb offered, “Gotta change the standards for background checks and purchasing firearms #listenupcongress.” Meanwhile, Megan Mullally said, “thank you, democrats!!!”
Zach Braff posted a photo of Paul Ryan posing in a backwards baseball cap while listening to headphones and lifting weights, along with the caption, “The kind of guy that turns off the camera,” referring to Republican leader cutting off a live TV feed of the sit-in. Julianne Moore called Lewis a “Hero!” and also retweeted many articles about the event.
Amy Schumer implored her followers to “demand action” for gun control by texting a hotline, while Debra Messing similarly suggested, “I just called my Rep to support sit in for gun control vote. Please call yours and let them know you support them!” And Sarah Silverman observed, “Rad civil disobedience by the reps that are actually repping US.”
Kim Kardashian noted, “After Orlando, Congress hasn’t done anything and now they’re going on vacation. I say #NoBillNoBreak.” Chris Evans expressed, “I’m proud of this sit-in. We need common sense gun reform. And to be clear, NO ONE IS TAKING AWAY GUNS! Just looking for COMMON SENSE reform.” Arsenio Hall said, “Sitting for change! We are #Orlando… and something MUST change!”
Meanwhile, Kathy Bates offered, “John Lewis. Respect. You have always been my hero. God willing years of obstruction will end & common sense prevail.” In reference to Wednesday’s Cleveland Cavaliers NBA Championship Parade, Billy Eichner conveyed, “It’d be great if everyone took their passion for the Cavs & extended it towards calling their Congressman so fewer innocent people get shot.”
And finally, Russell Simmons broke down the situation, noting, “Right now a sit in is being staged in Congress to push the passage of a simple law that denies anyone on the watchlist to purchase a Gun.”

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