Jun 3, 2016

Stars Celebrate National Donut Day – See Celebrity Tweets!

It’s National Donut Day, and many stars are celebrating the holiday dedicated to one of the world’s most beloved pastries. See celebrity tweets below!
The delicious event was launched by The Salvation Army in 1938 as a fundraiser to help the poor, as well as honor the women who served donuts to the soldiers during World War I. Many food chains are participating in the event by giving out free donuts, including Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Donuts.
Lauren Conrad tweeted, “National Donut Day is quickly becoming one of my favorite holiday,” along with a link to homemade recipes. T.J. Miller expressed, “Happy national donut day!!!!!!!!” and accompanied his message with dozens of donut emojis, randomly followed by an 8 ball.
William Shatner joked, “If you are looking for a police officer today I’ll give you a hint where to look: it’s National Donut Day!” NFL player J.J. Watt similarly quipped, “I don’t know when everyday became some kind of National [fill in the blank] Day, but National Donut Day is one I can get on board with.”
Kris Jenner posted a gif of herself holding up a box of Krispy Kreme donuts, along with caption, “Happy #nationaldonutday!!” And “Today” co-hosts Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb were featured in a gif featuring the two munching on donuts, along with the tweet, “.@hodakotb & @KathieLGifford are clearly enjoying #NationalDonutDay!” Extreme Entertainment will update as more stars celebrate National Donut Day.

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