Sep 25, 2016

Brad Pitt NOT ‘Going To Rehab’ To Get Angelina Jolie Back, Despite Report

Brad Pitt is not going to rehab to get Angelina Jolie back, despite a wholly fabricated report. Extreme Entertainment can exclusively correct this made-up claim. We’re told it’s “totally false.”
According to HollywoodLife, which has repeatedly been caught concocting untrue articles, Pitt is willing to do anything, including “going to rehab,” and he’s “ready to quit drinking in hopes that Angelina will reconsider their divorce.” A seemingly manufactured “source” tells the often disproven site, Pitt has been “saying he’ll go to rehab and [Jolie] doesn’t have to agree to take him back until he has 90 days sober, so she knows it’s not just a fleeting commitment.” The same questionable “source” alleges Pitt is “swearing that if he gets clean, their marriage will be great again.”
Once again, Extreme Entertainment can nail HollywoodLies for completely making up its tale about Pitt “going to rehab,” and assuring Jolie to wait until he’s 90 days sober before taking him back. The premise and quotations have been fabricated by the fiction enthusiasts at the habitually discredited webloid. A mutual friend of Extreme Entertainment and Pitt guarantees us the site’s story is “totally false,” and that “no such discussions ever happened.”
No one should be shocked at this point that the report is untrue. Since the news came out that Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt, HollywoodLife has gone into high gear manufacturing stories that Extreme Entertainment has shown to be outright lies. Perhaps the most blatant example was the webloid’s “exclusive” that Pitt was “leaning on” George Clooney for support, and that Clooney was urging his friend to “do whatever he can to save his marriage.”
As Extreme Entertainment noted, that made-up article blew up in the site’s face when it was revealed Clooney didn’t even know Pitt and Jolie were divorcing when the outlet had published its phony claim. When asked last Tuesday by a CNN reporter about the breaking story of the Brangelina divorce, Clooney responded, “That’s the first I’ve heard of it.”

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