Denzel Washington appeared on Monday’s “Good Morning America” to promote his new remake of the classic western, The Magnificent Seven. Watch the actor’s full “GMA” interview below!
During his appearance on the morning talk show, Washington noted he was a fan of TV westerns growing up, including “Bonanza,” but joked, “I hated watching it because I knew you had to go to bed right afterwards. ‘Ed Sullivan’ and ‘Bonanza’ and go to bed. So I didn’t want it to end.” The new Magnificent Sevenhas a much more racially diverse cast than the original, which Washington said “actually speaks to the reality in the 1870s. That’s more typical than the movies of the ’50s and ’40s where there was nobody that looked like us. But we were there.”
However, Washington acknowledged that the filmmakers set out to make a fun action-adventure movie and not a political one, saying, “It wasn’t like we were gonna do this for that reason. I mean, I just want to be in Chris Pratt’s movie.” Also during his interview, the actor discussed being a lifelong fan of the Dallas Cowboys, his dedication to the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, and more. Watch the “GMA” interview below!
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