Nov 16, 2011

Miley Cyrus Hits Back At Critics Calling Her Heavy

Miley Cyrus Hits Back At Critics Calling Her Heavy:

What is WRONG with people? Miley Cyrus is just a teenage girl: why are people scrutinizing her weight? Well, people are, and Miley hit back on twitter.
I don’t wanna be shaped like a girl I LOVE being shaped like a WOMAN & trust me ladies your man wont mind either ;)
And as she wisely points out:
By calling girls like me fat this is what you’re doing to other people. i love MYSELF & if you could say the same you wouldn’t be sitting on your computer trying to hurt others.
So true! And she linked to a disturbing picture of an anorexic-looking girl. Miley also linked to this great pic. Go Miley!