Alison Sweeney is clearly on a winning streak when it comes to her bikini body!
The Biggest Loser host recently stripped down and shot her first-ever bikini-clad cover forShape magazine – and she looks better than ever! The former Days of Our Lives starreveals to the fitness magazine how she transformed her body, and lost more than 20 pounds, to achieve bikini babe status – has the details.
“Most women go through phases of looking in the mirror and not being happy with what they see. I was letting it affect my entire life,” Sweeney reveals to Shape about her years of weight loss struggles. “I felt disappointed when I went clothes shopping and guilty about everything I put in my mouth. My appearance permeated every thought and feeling I had about myself.”
With the encouragement of her husband, she switched to a lower-calorie diet and began to exercise regularly, which changed her life.
The 35-year-old, who recently completed the Honda L.A. Marathon, reveals all the things that help her stay fit to Shape, which include keeping a food diary, scheduling workouts on a calendar and making sure not to put too much pressure on herself.
To read all about Alison’s road to bikini babe status and get her workout, pick up the April 2012 issue of Shape!
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