Mar 1, 2012

Justin Bieber’s Lavish $14 Million Birthday Celebration

Justin Bieber is planning on buying not one, but TWO, houses for his 18th birthday — and one is for his mom! Isn’t he sweet?

It’s not everyday that the world’s biggest teen star becomes an adult. TMZ reported Justin Bieber will celebrate his 18 birthday with a lavish party and $14 million worth of real estate.
According to sources, Justin’s birthday plans include parachuting, a five star dinner, and ending the night with a star-studded party. The almost legal star is also looking to mark his adulthood with the purchase of TWO multi-million dollar mansions in the Los Angeles area.
Friends of Justin say that he has been looking at two homes in Calabasas, CA, both priced at more than $5 million and another mega-mansion in Hollywood, CA that is selling for $10 million and is currently being rented by Ashton Kutcher.
Justin is looking at one home for his mother, and another for himself. With the cheapest of the two mansions totaling to $14 million, Justin proves that turning 18 comes with more perks than the right to vote and buy cigarettes if you’re a teen super star. Tell us what YOU think abut Justin’s muti-million house hunt!

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