Apr 8, 2012

Insanely Buff Mark Wahlberg And Family Hit Miami Beach

It wasn’t just the waves causing ripples on a beach in Miami on Sunday. Mark Wahlbergmade a splash in the ocean with his wife and children while giving sun worshippers a jaw-dropping view of his insanely buff physique.
The actor is in Florida filming Pain and Gainwith Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. And, as his taut body shows the 40-year-old father-of-four looks just as good as he did 20 years ago in the Calvin Klein underwear ads.

PHOTOS:  Mark Wahlberg Shows Off His Buff Bod In Miami
After going to Easter Sunday mass with his wife Rhea Durham and their children, he took the family to cool off at the beach.
He put his muscles to the test by dunking his six-year-old son Michael in and out of the sea. After playing in the ocean with his bikini-clad former model wife, Mark took a break and lounged on the beach.
Pain and Gain, which is about two bodybuilders who get caught up in a racketeering scheme, comes out next year.

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