Jun 17, 2012

MAG: Matthew McConaughey Only Married Wife Because of “Threat” She Made

In a piece titled, “Threat That Made Matt Marry Camila,” the National Enquirer says Matthew McConaughey was forced to wed Camila Alves, claiming she wouldn’t give him more children unless he married her.
The tab writes, “After six years of togetherness, Matthew McConaughey finally caved in to girlfriend Camila Alves’ marriage ultimatum because he’s dying to have more kids.”
The Enquirer alleges the Hollywood star, who has a son and daughter with Alves, wed the model on June 9, only after he gave into her threat of “Marrry me or no more kids.”
Of course, the magazine’s wedding-for-babies story is as dramatic as some of McConaughey’s films… and equally as fictitious.
A source close to actor tells Gossip Cop that this Enquirer article — like some of its previous tales — is completely untrue.