Sep 12, 2012

Alison Pill Accidentally Tweets Topless Pic

Alison Pill, who stars on HBO’s “The Newsroom,” accidentally posted a naked picture of herself to Twitter on Wednesday.
The actress quickly deleted the shot — in which she’s on a bed, topless — and apologized to her followers.
She tweeted, “Yep. That picture happened. Ugh. My tech issues have now reached new heights, apparently. How a deletion turned into a tweet… Apologies.”
Pill is engaged to Jay Baruchel, who seemed amused by the whole thing.
He tweeted, “My fiancee is an hilarious dork. #imjustgladitdidnthappentomefirst.”
Check out a censored version of the topless TwitPic below.
If you simply must see the uncensored version,click here.

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