Sep 12, 2012

MAG: “Baby Time” for Jennifer Aniston

“It’s Baby Time!” for Jennifer Aniston, declares OK! magazine’s latest cover, which features a picture of the actress allegedly sporting a “bump.”
The tabloid promises readers, “After years of heartbreak and struggle, Jen announces her baby dreams are coming true.”
All of this would seem to indicate that OK!has an actual scoop that Jennifer Aniston is pregnant.

But the magazine has nothing of the sort.
Instead, the accompanying story is an all-over-the-place mess loosely based on the premise that Aniston and fiancé Justin Theroux are preparing a nursery in their Bel Air mansion.
According to OK!, “The nursery needs an occupant; Jen has told friends that she and Justin are working on that — hard and fast.”
“It’s no secret she wanted a baby yesterday, so they’re not wasting any time,” reveals a so-called “pal.”
The OK! source explains, “They’re getting married this winter so, ideally, she’ll get pregnant in January. She’s been joking that in a perfect world it will happen on the wedding night.”
Um, a couple of things.
First of all, OK! just admitted that its cover — with Aniston’s “bump” — is a total fabrication.
Women don’t get baby bumps four months before conception.
We’d be happy to send OK! some pamphlets to explain how this all works if they’d like.
Moreover, the tabloid has no idea — NONE — when Aniston and Theroux plan to wed.
OK! has repeatedly demonstrated that it has no clue about Aniston and Theroux’s nuptials.
Last September, the magazine ran a cover story falsely claiming the couple was racingAngelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to the altar.
Then OK! published a made-up story about Aniston and Theroux planning a secret elopement — last New Year’s.
Two weeks ago, the same magazine abruptly decided the pair would wed on Valentine’s Day.
Oh, and in addition to its continued wrong guesswork about Aniston’s wedding, OK! also includes pure speculation — courtesy of a doctor who’s never treated her — about the actress’ “facial fullness” being a sign of in vitro fertilization drugs.
So according to OK!, Aniston is somehow (1) already pregnant and “bump”-y; (2) “not wasting any time” to get pregnant… but waiting until her wedding; (3) having trouble getting pregnant and prepping for IVF… but set to conceive “in January.”
A source close to the couple tells Gossip Cop the mag’s latest cover bait-and-switch is “bogus.”

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