Sep 12, 2012

MAG: Britney Spears “Tired Of Being a Mom”

Still desperate to create drama out of Britney Spears“X Factor” gig and her engagement to Jason Trawick, theNational Enquirer is running a story this week that claims the pop icon “has put motherhood on the back burner as she juggles her new TV career and love life.”
The mag alleges that Spears has “spent so little time with sons Sean, 7, and Jayden, 6, recently that when they see her on TV, they call her ‘Britney’ instead of ‘Mommy.’”

Spears supposedly spends her “X Factor” downtime “enjoying romantic dinners and weekend getaways” with Trawick rather than seeing her kids, says an alleged “source” for the tabloid.
“Weekend getaways” like the one she went on to Hawaii in Julywith Sean and Jayden?
Anyway, the tab quotes a so-called “source” as saying, “It’s as if she’s tired of being a mom because she’s so caught up in her newfound TV stardom.”
“Newfound” stardom?
Spears has been a massive star for more than a decade now.
This entire story is completely BOGUS, not to mention mean-spirited.
Being a parent is not a hobby of which one simply gets “tired.”
In fact, Spears just gushed about her sons on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show on Wednesday, talking about how the boys “love” school and had a “great” first day this week.
In any case, a rep for Spears tells Gossip Cop the Enquirer story is “completely not true.”

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