Apr 2, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Posts on Twitter: “It’s Official – Pregnant”

Lindsay Lohan pulled her own April Fools Day prank, tweeting out to her 5.7 million followers, “Its official. Pregnant… ”
Within hours, the message was retweeted tens of thousands of times, and the actress became a trending topic on Twitter.
Of course, she didn’t actually say shewas pregnant — and her joke was a little late, having been sent out in the early hours of April 2.
Still, the baby news joke got lots of people to respond with cracks about her arrests, her films like The Parent Trap, and mistaking too much partying for morning sickness.
Dina and Michael Lohan confirm to Gossip Cop that the pregnant tweet was just a joke.
And on Tuesday, the actress herself wrote a follow-up post saying, “April Fools. Where’s everyone’s sense of humor?”

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