May 30, 2013

Amanda Bynes EXPLODES At Perez Hilton After Trampoline Report: “Kill Yourself!”

Amanda Bynes SLAMMED Perez Hilton on Thursday, denying his report that she was spotted at a Buffalo trampoline park the previous night, and then lashing out in a graphic tirade that included her telling the blogger: “Kill yourself!”
Her fury came after Perez posted a Twitter user’s eyewitness account of Bynes jumping on trampolines at Sky Zone in Buffalo.
“The troubled All That star was spotted getting literally high on life in Buffalo on Wednesday evening,” wrote Perez, publishing a blurry photo of a brunette woman bouncing around on Sky Zone Buffalo’s trampolines.
When a fan tweeted Bynes with the story, she unloaded.
“THAT’S NOT ME!” declared the actress. “I’m so sick of fake fans such as Perez Hilton! Send the picture to me privately first to confirm that it’s me! I’ve never been to SkyZone! That looks nothing like me! I don’t own a brown wig!”
She was just getting started:
“@perezhilton no one wants to s**k your d**k! Stop living! Kill yourself! I look sooooo much better than the girl you hired to look like an awful cheeky version of me! So I’d say F*ck You but no one wants to! I just say keep living in your sh*tty existence leaching off of stars who you look, sound, and act nothing like!”
However, other individuals similarly claimed Bynes was at the trampoline park in Buffalo.

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